Thursday, May 29, 2014

On Suicide | Bashar

Q: I’m a volunteer on the suicide hotline, and there’s been a lot of debate on euthanasia versus suicide.

B: Yes.

Q: I understand it’s a creative process. From the standpoint of karma, karma is just. It’s neither positive nor negative, depending upon the lesson learned.

B: Yes. It is not retribution, it is not judgment; it is simply the continuation of the momentum for the perception and the opportunity to create a balance in an experience.

Q: Some of us find it a problem telling someone, “Yes, it’s right to live,” or “Yes, it’s okay to die.”

B: We understand.

Q: So where is the line?

B: The line will be, within each and every separate situation, completely different -- for every individual is different. And their reasons and their own creations will create the scenario to be different. Now, everyone, in an overall sense, obviously, does have the right to create their lives to be as they wish. This is also, however, another opportunity for all the members of your society to get in touch with the difference between someone that is running away from something, wishing to die, and someone that is going to something, needing to die. Do you follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: If certain scenarios are simply their choice of creation, and the direct outcome of those scenarios is simply that they will take themselves out and have placed themselves in a scenario wherein the most likely opportunity for them to expand is to cease physical life, then that is the direction they will proceed in.

Now, in general however, you will find that an individual who truly has the need to die -- they will die, regardless of anything you do to sustain them. But we do understand that, while there might be some individuals who actually do have that need, and whose death actually does represent the appropriate “timing” of their death, they will “hang on” because, let us say now -- we are using a colloquial term -- they are trapped by the beliefs they have bought into in your society about what it is they will experience, and they fear to go on.

And so they place themselves in a limbo state between life and death, so to speak, and in this state then, comes up all of these ideas of decisions as to whether or not to allow them to die, to create them to die, to force them to die, to allow them to live, to work it out, and what have you.

What these individuals mostly need, in a sense, is actually counseling -- to allow them to get in touch with what death means, what life means. And then, once the decision and the understanding of what it is they are doing is clear, they will either completely utterly live and center, or they will completely and utterly die and center. Do you follow me?

Q: To work within their tunnel.

B: Yes. An individual, however, who creates the idea of what you generally refer to as conscious or deliberate suicide, generally is running away from something that they have not been taught they have the power to deal with. A conscious suicide 99.99999 percent of the time will reintroduce themselves reincarnationally almost immediately back into the society, and will introduce themselves into a situation that is almost identical to the one they ran away from.

Whether you can convince an individual in your society of this or not, you might get a very interesting reaction if you told someone who was contemplating suicide that they would have to come back and do it all again.

Now, the idea for why an individual in your society would consider that anyway is, as we have said, they have not been taught a very essential thing. And it is simply as follows -- and if you can teach this, if you can share this with your society, you will find that less and less individuals will have a need for suicide. All individuals are as powerful as they need to be to create whatever life they desire to create without having to hurt anyone else or themselves in order to create it.

It is simply because your society has taught you that you are victims, and that you have no power over life, that these individuals see no other out, other than to kill themselves. Because they have not been taught that they have the power to change; they have not been taught that they created the negative scenarios based upon their negative beliefs and their fears. They have not been taught that they are in control of these scenarios, and that the negative scenario occurring in their life is not an indication that they are stuck in that scene; it is an indication that they have an opportunity to change that scene if they don’t prefer it.

Teach them that; give them their power. Let them know that they are creators, and that what they are feeling is simply because they have chosen to buy into belief systems that have forced them to believe that they have no power, that they have no say, that they have no control. Get them in touch with their beliefs about life, and allow them to redefine those beliefs.

If they have to go through an entire scenario of completely being reborn, growing up all over again as a child, and instilling new beliefs in themselves as that child, let them. Let them be born again in the way they would desire to have been born. Let them become the type of person they desire to be.

If they have to begin from birth, let them do so in their imagination. And let them know that when they restructure the idea of what their childhood was like, that the new idea is just as real as the old one was. Just because it didn’t happen physically doesn’t mean anything; it is just as real. And they can then be the type of person that is the product of whatever they now imagine their new childhood to have been like. And they will then be able to detach themselves from old associations, and completely reprogram and reorient themselves into the type of being they desire to be.

Because you are exactly what you choose to be at any given moment, and in all reality -- though we understand that in your illusion of time, it may seem to be the case -- in all reality the present is not a result of the past; the past is a result of the present. You are creating the past and the future from now. It is only an illusion that the present is a direct result of the past. You can create the continuum illusion, but each and every moment is discrete, discontinuous from the last moment, and the next moment to come. You are, in any given moment, totally the idea you believe you are, regardless of anything you have ever been.

Allow them to unlock, allow them to learn why they may have created that scenario for themselves. Get them to understand what they have learned from that scenario, no matter how negative it may have been. Everything is an opportunity to learn. Teach them: no situation has built-in meaning. All situations are fundamentally neutral, when you apply a meaning to a neutral situation, you get that effect -- positive meaning, positive effect, negative meaning, negative effect. But the meaning you give it is based upon what you have been taught to believe the situation represents. But no situation has inherently built-in meaning: no set of blank circumstances inherently means anything. It is simply a blank set of props. You arrange them into the play you believe in. You follow me?

Q: Yes.

You are doing this function as your expression of the unique facet of the multidimensional crystal you have chosen to be. Cherish the people who are calling, and love them unconditionally; they will feel this love from you, and they will see reflected in you an opportunity to see that they themselves are also reflections and representations of the same power and unconditional love. Thank you.

Q: Thank you.



Next piece:

Q: I noticed on the news that they said several thousand farmers had committed suicide within the past year or so. I noted that three hundred, just in one state, had committed suicide because they were losing their land and for different reasons in nature, et cetera. Could you comment on what the reflection of those choices means?

B: It can mean as many individual things as there are individuals expressing that belief in their lack of ability to make changes within their lives. Now recognize that the idea of suicides will be those that reincarnate very quickly into your society. They will reincarnate in a fashion wherein they can recognize they can put themselves back into opportunities to know they are in control of the creation of their reality, and they can be of great and beneficial assistance in allowing individuals in your society to re-recognize their connections to nature.

Now, they could not see any way to do it within the framework of the society in which you exist. This does not mean it could not have been done. They do now begin to recognize, as non-physical entities, that they could have created the realities as they desired them to be, and now they can put themselves back into scenarios wherein they can come to terms with this idea without running away from their ability to do so.

But it is all part and parcel of the overall momentum of allowing your entire society to begin to remember its connection to its natural aspects. It is simply one of the ways your society has chosen to do it, since once again your society is in the habit of not believing it is in control of its reality. And thus in a sense only believes that it must remove itself completely from the reality in order to rearrange it.

Q: The man I told you about -- that I channeled for privately -- who was thinking about committing suicide -- I found out today that he did. And I don’t know... I’m experiencing a lot of emotions about it.

B: All right. You can send your unconditional love to that individual, because there will be a period of adjustment. There will be a period of realigning, and there is assistance being offered that individual. If you offer your assistance from this end, then you can allow that individual to pick up on the radiation of your love, and allow them to become as aware as they need to be of the assistance they are being given from their end as well. And allow them the quickest possible transition and recognition of what it was that they made as a choice, and allow them to do what they will from that point forward.

Q: I have sent my love; I will continue to do so.

B: All right.

Q: One part of me -- a very little part, but it’s still screaming -- is saying that if I had been a different channel…

B: No, no, no-no-no-no- no. You can only attract that which is represented by the level you are on. And recognize: at this point you may understand that the things you were able to share with that individual just before they made their final decision are things that are going to stay with them, and are things that will now assist them in acclimating to where they are -- more quickly than they would have without that information.

Q: That’s what I hope…

B: There is no need to “hope.”

Q: I know. I think…

B: Everything is for a reason.

Q: In thinking about it today, the only... well the positive thing that came out of it was that I thought, “If he was going to do it, at least Raydia gave him a lot of love, and…”

B: Yes.

Q: Now, can you see the overall picture a little more than I do consciously, without perhaps why he made the choice, and... I guess I’m asking you to tune into his energy and see if he’s okay or what is his status?

B: We can perceive that he will reincarnate in time -- in a short time. But at this time the basic energy is still closed. Withdrawn you would call it.

Q: I feel anger too because I just feel that he didn’t have…

B: This is your opportunity to recognize and have reinforced in your reality once again that no matter how much assistance you are, you are not responsible for another individual’s world.

Q: Oh yes, I’ve been telling myself that…

B: You’ll get used to it. You were of benefit, and of assistance.

Q: I just have so much respect and love for life, I get angry when I see this. And I realize I’m not responsible for him. I get angry when I see…

B: All right. Your anger allows you the opportunity to align to what you know to be true for you. There is no need to invalidate those that choose other paths.

Q: Thank you very much.

B: Oh! Thank you!


Third piece:

Q: I wanted to ask you about suicide.

B: All right. Are you contemplating it?

Q: Pardon me?

B: Are you contemplating it?

Q: Am I contemplating it? No.

B: All right. Not uncommon in your society.

Q: No. What I’m interested in... because someone very close to my mother did commit suicide, I feel I need to know what it is that would make a human being, someone from this society, want to leave this society?

B: Feeling they have no choice, of course. No other choice. No feeling of self-empowerment. Complete and total powerlessness. The creation of the belief that you are at the mercy of everything you experience outside of you, and that you are not in control. It is the one last vestige that you give yourself to know you are in control -- for it always comes down to you.

Now understand however, that usually the idea of physicalized suicide usually does not fulfill the choices made by the soul in being physical. And usually you will find that a physical suicide, once it is out of the body, will remember what the idea was all about and reincarnate almost immediately.

Q: I’ve wondered about that. I also thought that perhaps in that feeling of powerlessness, in the body, in the society at that time, there is a decision that this is not good: “I need another place, another time, in order to…”

B: That can be one of the decisions. But recognize again: the result, or let us say, the reason for most suicide is usually not being willing to come to terms with your own self-empowerment, which in various ways was one of the ideas that the soul created the physical life for. So you will usually find that the soul in reincarnating will actually choose similar scenarios that caused the suicide to begin with. For it is with the knowing that there is another way to look at that situation that the being reincarnates -- a more positive way.

Q: But it is also possible for that reincarnated being to live that out again to another suicide and come back again…?

B: It is possible, yes.

Q: Okay. One other comment or question or thought, in that when someone... if someone knows someone is committing suicide, and they let them do it, I suppose that also comes from a choice. There’s no other choice. That is the choice that the person makes. Is this true?

B: Both, yes. But you can also understand that the idea of your knowledge of such an event is your opportunity to share with that individual opportunities to look at their situation in another way. Now, you cannot ultimately prevent someone who really, really wishes to kill themselves, from doing so. For they will find a way if they are really dead set upon it.

Recognize that the idea of your being aware of that situation does give you the opportunity to interact with them. Recognize that if they did not choose to find someone who is aware, they would not have attracted someone to be aware of their situation. So the fact that you might be aware also is a reflection that they chose to attract someone to them as maybe one more opportunity to perhaps choose something else other than the suicide.

So by all means, interact with them in this way. Now, if you choose to not interact with them in that way, it is then up to you to determine what that action, interaction, or lack of it, teaches you.

Q: Mhmm. Is it the personality or the soul…

B: The personality more often than not.

Q: How does one deal with guilt?

B: How about not experiencing it?

Q: How does one go about not experiencing it when it’s something that…?

B: All right. Thank you. First of all, forgive yourself. For recognize that every experience is a valid experience. You have done it all. You have been it all. You follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: Now, the idea of guilt is simply judging the self to not be valid for the experience you created yourself to be. All right, you can recognize that perhaps the experience you created allowed you to know what it is like to function without integrity. Well, all right. Then the experience of functioning without integrity has now taught you that perhaps you prefer to function with it. And so that experience has served you, so forgive yourself. For it has taught you something, and it has taught you that you can prefer a choice between not experiencing integrity and experiencing it. You follow me?

Q: Yes, thank you, I do.

B: Thank you. Sharing!

fourth piece:

Q: You told me previously that I had completed a cycle in which I had committed suicide in a previous life. Could you tell me a little bit about that cycle?

B: The cycle, in a sense, now allows you to know in this life that regardless of all that you might experience or have experienced in your life that represents blocks, frustrations, these now you are not running away from; these now you are incorporating into your very soul, into your very being, into your very persona.

There may be things from time to time that agitate, and perhaps create a bit of indecisiveness, a bit of fear, a bit of hesitation. But whereas before you ran out of life in a sense, with a suicide, now you are knowing you are strong enough to incorporate, blend, balance, and allow all of these ideas that you have lived before to be lived again as this person.

But now you can let them in; now you can transform them, rather than letting them control you. You are now learning that control is not a matter of holding tight; that control is a matter of letting go, of loving yourself infinitely, as you deserve to be loved. That is what the cycle basically represents now as you go through this transitional gate. You follow me?

Q: No.

B: All right. Suicide, in that sense, is running from yourself. And when many individuals in your society commit suicide, they will generally place themselves right back into a life that is very similar, that contains many of the same ideas, that allows them to face the ideas all over again, and decide whether or not to run from them again or incorporate them within themselves by loving themselves enough to know they can handle anything that comes their way. You follow me?

Q: Yes. Is my life now similar to that previous lifetime?

B: Yes. Has been. Not so much anymore. There are remnants here and there -- not so much anymore. You have incorporated the majority of what you did not handle in the last life already.

Q: Could you tell me some of those things that I didn’t handle in the last life?

B: Love itself. Ran from love; ran from affection -- ran from any sign.

There were some ideas connected to this of what you would call physical responsibility. The idea of not holding your own -- carrying your weight -- as is said in your world. The idea of being a burden upon those around you.

That is what you lived through mostly in that life. The idea of not believing you were in control. The idea of experiencing the tension and the nervousness that comes with the doubt that you should or should not exist. Examining the very questions of whether you deserve to exist, which now you know you do.

But these were very real to you in the other life, very real questions, and carried great weight and great impact upon your actions and attitudes. Also because of the attitudes, you constantly attracted into your life brutality upon yourself, beatings upon yourself, attacks upon yourself; and once almost lost your life through an attack, and found yourself regretting that you lived.

You explored the gamut, as you say, of all the ideas of lack of self-worth. No need now. You have incorporated well; you are incorporating still -- marvelously.

Q: Thank you. I’m still working on this idea. I’ve decided that I’ve been avoiding having a job.

B: All right.

Q: And I’ve decided now that I’m going to have one, and I’m going to enjoy it no matter what.

B: Oh now, one moment! The idea now also includes not necessarily abusing yourself in other ways. The idea is to do what excites you, and allow what excites you to become a job. Because again remember: as you upon your world say yourself, “A labor of love is no labor at all.”

Q: Yes.

B: It is not about forcing yourself to do something you do not enjoy doing that is not representative of who you are. But we understand your determination, and it is a positive attitude in general. But do not carry it to the point where you abuse yourself by placing restrictions upon yourself to do something you really do not find exciting.

You can attract. You do have the capability of attracting into your life the things that will allow you to fit in as a “valid citizen,” and still do things that allow you to express your unbridled ecstasy and joy.

Q: I know what that is: I’d like to channel. And right now I don’t want to rush it, because I know that I’m afraid. So I want to do some thing while I’m…

B: All right. But-but-but- but-but-but- but-but-but ... but. There are many forms of channeling. Again remember: you can do other forms of channeling while you are preparing other forms of channeling. And again, rendered down to its simplest possible definition, channeling is only doing what you love to do. Because you allow all of yourself to be there in that way.

Channeling as you perceive it this way, as you are perceiving now, is not necessarily the way it must be expressed. The whole idea of why we are channeling this way is to remind each and every one of you that you can all channel your own way. Not that you have to channel someone or something else.

There is nothing wrong with that. But again remember, the easiest way to open yourself up to all forms of expression, all forms of channeling, is to channel as you are now. Then you expand and include other ways to express the channeling you already are. You start the cycle off with what you already have to work with.

All of it is channeling; it is all a part of the same event, the same process, if you wish to use that term. So there is no need to deny yourself the opportunity to do something that represents one level of channeling, while you are perhaps preparing to do another level of channeling. You follow me?

Q: Yes. Thank you. There was something else I wanted to ask you. It bothers me, that idea of people wandering around, not knowing that they’re dead. And when people die and they merge with their larger identity, why can’t their higher self help them to understand that they are dead?

B: Again, again, again, remember that everything on every level is a matter of choice. And if an individual has locked themselves into a very strong belief about life and death, then they may still temporarily, temporarily, carry that belief with them into what you would call the astral realms. But again recognize: it is really not much different from people in your dimension wandering around not knowing they are alive. (AUD: laughter)

Q: Well, I was wondering: how do people know enough to reincarnate?

B: Sometimes, in your terminology, it is automatic.

Q: Could you explain that? How could it be automatic?

B: In other words, there may be enough momentum in one life, from one belief system that carried them through into the non-physical reality, that will create what you would call an automatic reincarnation -- because that is representative of the momentum that they had. In other words, generally speaking, typical of such an automatic re-entry is suicide.

Q: Well, how can they choose their next life then?

B: There is enough awareness on all levels to automatically and instinctively and instantaneously know where you need to be. You do not necessarily need time to lounge around and think about it, to project yourself exactly where you need to be.

The idea of lounging around and thinking about it is simply generally indicative of more awareness, and therefore more opportunity to know that you can choose to do that, or you can choose to do something else. You follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: The idea is to not so much let it bother you; the idea is that if you recognize that such a level exists, then by living to the fullest on the level you are, you can then radiate and beam your unconditional love and support and energy to beings on those levels. To allow them to feel that from you will give them the quickest opportunity to wake up and remember where they are, and what their options are.

Being simply bothered by it only reinforces the world in which they have trapped themselves -- so to speak, trapped. They are not really trapped. It is again simply all states of being, states of awareness. And whether it may be in your terms unpleasant at any given moment or not, in the fundamental infinity of creation, it is, in your terms, a drop in the bucket. Very temporary. Very temporary.

The higher self always is communicating. But on any level you have the option to listen or ignore it. That is all. Eventually they will listen. Time for them is not exactly what it is for you. What may seem to be an eternity of waiting for you, may only be moments truly in your time frame. Does that assist you?

Q: Yes, thank you.

Fifth piece:

Q: Okay. The other question I have is: why would somebody come in to a life and then commit suicide? Is that planned? Is suicide planned?

B: Suicide – conscious suicide -- is, let us say, the only loophole that exists within the contract you make with your higher self. It is more or less a negation of the divine will, of the higher consciousness’ free will.

However, once you extract yourself from physical reality -- usually because as an individual you have not been taught that you have control over your reality, so you do not believe that you can change the events in your life, so you run away from them through the idea of physical death -- once you extract yourself from the physical reality, you are once again the higher self that made the original decision.

And 99.9% of the time you will re-inject yourself back into a similar life immediately, because you know you did not want to leave it. You want to learn -- all the way to the contractual end of that life -- what it is you want to learn.

Sixth piece:

Recognize the idea of suicide is usually, for the most part, the lack of willingness to be responsible for the life that was created, the lack of willingness to live it out. So you will, once you are in the non-physical state, almost immediately inject yourself right back into a similar situation.

Q: Is this possibly the reason then that when she went to the medium, she was unable to make contact with her sister?

B: Primarily, yes.

Q: I see.

B: But the idea is that there was enough cognition in the sister that committed suicide before reincarnation to leave a message in the sense of, “Do not follow this path.” And there was enough cognition to form a recognition of the strength of connection to say, “I will find you again.” It was sketchy, but the trail is there.

Q: Okay. Thank you very much.

B: Thank you.


Q: Even somebody who wants to commit suicide?

B: Understand that an individual who is centered within themselves that no longer wishes to be physical will simply be able to leave. Suicide, in that sense, as you understand in your society, is generally not a sign of wellness. If they wish to leave and they are centered within themselves, and they truly know they have no purpose in being any longer upon your planet, they will be able to leave without the idea you understand as suicide. They will simply leave. It will either be through, what you may call, in some cases, an automatic “accident" that kills them instantly, or they will lay down, close their eyes and leave.

However, if they are in anxiety about the idea of whether or not to kill themselves, generally that is an indication that there is still something they haven't dealt with and all the more reason for them stick around. You understand the difference? Does that help?

Copyright: Darryl Anka 1984-2009

Much love,

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Dear All,

Bashar said once that suicide only means that a person cannot bear anymore the circumstances he/she created and so he chooses to break free from them. In other words, suicide bears no consequence on the soul....


Mr G and Jellybean

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Meet Patrick. At first, your heart will cringe at the sight of him. Patrick was found wrapped in a garbage bag and stuffed down a chute. A garbage truck was ready to take him away, until he was rescued at the last moment. It’s not certain how Patrick ended up in the trash, but we know his previous owners fastened him up to a railing for more than a week.

Look at Patrick’s emaciated state.

It took a lot of care and love for him to heal.

Over time, he became a healthy dog.